My ‘B.R.A.C.E. Principles’ are a simple way to remember the important aspects of EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE movement. Inner BRACING prior to movement, prepares and helps protect the vulnerable inner structures from damage.
The beautiful breath… we can last weeks without food, days without fluid, but minutes without air, so it is important to breathe as expansively as possible. Increasing breath volume by just 2% initiates huge improvements in mobility, energy levels and health.
Nature intended us to expand the lungs sideways and backwards (around the bottom ribs). Inhalation should expand these areas and move the ribs like bellows being pulled open. Exhalation is the ACTIVE phase of the breath and should be initiated by the contraction of the deep core muscles of the torso. This action pulls the ribs closer, compressing the lungs. The diaphragm moves upwards and air is forced out of the nose and mouth.
When posture is neglected the fascia of the front of the body gets compressed and stiff. This leaves less space for the lungs and breathing becomes shallower. The pelvic floor musculature provides additional power to the out-going breath, so tight hip fascia is another consideration in reduced breath volume. This forces the body to function in an ever-shrinking, pressurised space that can be avoided! Focus should be on directing the breath into the sides and back of the body. Loosening the rib cage fascia with simple self-help techniques helps them expand and naturally deepens the breath.
All life displays rhythm, every creature on earth, and even the earth itself. The rhythm of the breath, the heart, the tide, biorhythms, seasonal rhythms… rhythm IS life.
The inability to move rhythmically usually has its roots in restriction and tightness of the tissues. When the body is unbalanced it feels awkward and movement becomes laboured, restricted and less efficient. Clumsiness and an apparent ‘lack of rhythm’ is often the end result of excess tension. Rhythmic movement conserves energy, reducing wear and tear on the joints and supporting structures. Its visible presence is EFFORTLESS EFFORT - an essential ingredient for all sporting prowess because it indicates that the mind and body are sensitive to each other. Their smooth interaction creates movement that is graceful, and capable of great speed, power and coordination. This is the Holy Grail achievement of top-level sports training.
Rhythm can be re-established in the body, but this requires PRACTICE. My classes have a rhythmic warm-up, not typical of traditional Pilates,but helps establish the baseline principle of rhythm, from the start of the class.
Babies and toddlers develop movement patterns by paying close attention to what they are doing whilst simultaneously sensing and feeling. This is innate - it is never 'lost’.
We can retrieve the patterns of EFFORTLESS EFFORT by rediscovering a natural balance of sensing, feeling and action.Safe, strong graceful movements are the result of a refined, astute and BALANCED self-awareness. This comes from being aware of our CENTRE and inner being; aware of the sensations that flow through us during movement, not just how they feel on the outside.
We see the outside world with our eyes but rely on the’ light’ of self-awareness to illuminate the inner one. Effective movement requires a clear picture of both so the body can move confidently from its centre with strength, grace and ease.
A happy by-product of this is improved health and wellbeing. Rediscovering ASTUTE AWARENESS is key for initiating change…Habit distorts perception
The body is 70% connective tissue/fascia – a generic term for the diverse structures that hold us together and communicate vital (but subtle) information throughout the body. This is TEAMWORK at its best. The success of the team is determined by the efficient interaction of the inner and outer layers – by our connection to our core.
Much of the modern research on fascia came sometime after Joseph Pilates taught, so it makes sense to evolve teaching in the light of new information. This is why I incorporate simple techniques to loosen the fascia.When fascia is hydrated it remains pliable, but this requires frequent, diverse movement.
For this reason, sedentary living is detrimental to fascial health but it is never too late to start!! Fascial loosening techniques result in IMMEDIATE changes that are palpable and visible.
The 4 stages of skill development are:
1) UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE. This is the top-level sports-person who moves with power AND apparently effortless grace, making victory look easy.
2) CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE. This skill level is less relaxed and involves more effort, so the outcome is less effective and efficient.
3) CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE is even less relaxed and effort-full, with a pro rata outcome.
4) UNCONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE is the baseline skill level where self-awareness is so undeveloped that movement is awkward, uncoordinated and labour intensive.
When we concentrate awareness we become more SENSITIVE to the subtleties of feeling and with practice, skills are honed. This is our inner ‘Sat nav’ that is designed to guide and communicate messages to the body from the nervous system. Therefore, practising simple skills encourages a better relationship between mind and body. Trial and error is the only way forward - errors are just inner guidance advising us to try another way. The concept of ‘wrong’ needs to be re-evaluated as it can discourage us from exploring other options to achieve the goal.© Sue Lott
© Sue Lott