Improving technique
Instilling the discipline of a short daily self-help practice!
A human body, like everything in the universe, thrives on being CARED FOR. Mindful exercise, recreation, relaxation, a balanced diet, sufficient water and sleep, etc are all important. However, the ‘busyness’ of life often consumes good intentions, and the body slowly gets neglected.
But... GOOD HEALTH improves life experience, so it NEEDS PRIORITISING!
The sound logic of introducing NEW practices, if you want a DIFFERENT outcome, was perfectly expressed by Henry Ford:
The body thrives on regular, diverse movement, especially as lifestyles are generally far less active now than they were even 20 years ago. Technology, working from home and lifestyle choices mean the average person spends the greatest part of their life sitting - usually with poor posture. This compresses the torso and compromises every system in the body, so health and wellbeing, inevitably suffer.
MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE... sedentary lifestyles necessarily create future problems, but they are MAGICALLY REVERSIBLE…
The effects of neglect are predictable - as activity decreases, movement becomes increasingly awkward and uncomfortable. Deprived of the movement of medicine, the tissues get less pliable and stiffen. This intensifies discomfort and affects movement choices, which sets up a vicious circle of: pain…inactivity…worse pain…less movement etc.
Get better informed about how the body SHOULD function
Go to classes, read and listen to Podcasts to deepen understanding.
Experiment with simple, MINDFUL movements because they radically transform how we feel, think and look. This MOVEMENT MAGIC in action!
Take the mid-shift to being more proactive in body/health care.
LIFESTYLES have changed radically in the last few decades. Once living necessitated moving, but no longer! Human health and mobility are paying an increasingly EXPENSIVE PRICE as an active lifestyle is no longer a necessity. So the wise must CHOOSE TO MOVE…The inner body should allow body fluids and energy to stream through unimpeded, delivering vital supplies and removing waste. Tension slows down the flow like roadworks slow the flow of traffic.
Pilates/fitness classes are doing a GREAT job of getting us moving BUT incorporating simple, daily self-help fascia loosening techniques speeds up the process of rediscovering a healthier, stronger and more flexible body.