Frequently asked questions
I have no experience of Pilates, and I am concerned that I will not be able to cope?

Most new class members are inexperienced with Pilates! I incorporate different levels to accommodate different abilities. You will be surprised by how quickly you gain confidence and competence. Please come 10 minutes early, so that we can have an introductory chat.

I am returning from injury, will I be okay?

Please abide by the advice of your doctor/therapist. If the injury was not serious enough to warrant this be guided by your instincts, please message me on Facebook, or text me.

I have just had a baby – is it okay to come?

Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy so it is advisable to give your body time to adjust. There are certain standard exercises your midwife will have given you but, apart from that, I would give your body at least 3 months, post birth, to be on the safe side.

I am new to classes and am unsure what to wear?

You have to be able to move easily so clothing should reflect that. General choices are stretchy leggings/track bottoms/shorts with a light sports top or tee shirt (making seasonal adjustments for winter and summer).

How early should I arrive?

It is best to come 10 minutes before a class starts so that we can have a chat and you can inform me of any health issues that I need to be aware of. It also gives you an opportunity to meet other class members.

What is the difference between Pilates and Sue Lott’s Pilates Plus?

All Pilates teachers have a unique approach to teaching. Some stick with the traditional concept of Joseph Pilates, which is based on variations of 36 exercises. Others have expanded it, adjusted the tempo and intensity etc.

This is why people love Pilates – we are all different!

My classes have evolved over a lifetime of teaching and they now include methods and techniques that are going to help improve the strength, mobility and flexibility of the body in the most effective, efficient way.

In what ways do your classes differ from traditional Pilates?

The most immediate difference is the rhythmic warm up, this lasts one, sometimes two tracks (between 4-7 mins), followed by some gentle stretches to mobilise the body.

Another notable difference is that the class varies every time, whereas Pilates classes often have a routine that is repeated for about 6 weeks.

Some Pilates classes incorporate the use of equipment. My Pilates Plus classes utilise many different sorts of equipment – all of them help to develop certain sensations in the body. For instance, balls improve flow and fascia; sticks (weird, but so useful!) for symmetry, straightness and rolling fascia; resistance bands improve strength and stability as well as helping the body to remember its inherent flexibility.

The equipment is varied in a cycle of 5/6 weeks; sometimes we dispense with the kit for even more variety. The diversity makes the class more interesting and challenging because you are always doing unfamiliar movements so your body cannot slide back into the poor patterns associated with habit.

The general feedback is that people love the variety and find they progress  much quicker than expected, whilst having fun!

Do I need to supply any of this equipment?

Not initially. After a couple of  initial sessions, if you decide you would like to join the class, I ask you to get a few pieces of equipment. The total cost is approximately £20. This is to maintain the best hygiene and to encourage home practice!! Should you forget your equipment, I always carry spares.

What else do I need?

The one thing I do suggest you bring is some water, especially in the summer months. Hydration levels have a direct impact on how the body functions both mentally (water consumption  significantly improves concentration) and physically (a body that is well hydrated will always be more flexible).

Can I bring along a friend?

Some of the classes are quite busy, so after your initial email contact to me to check for spaces, if you would like to bring anyone else, please message me on Facebook, or text me.

At what age can people start coming?

The classes are adult classes, so from 18 up, all are welcome to come.

Do men come along to the classes?

Most of the classes have men attending, to a lesser, or greater extent. If men do attend they are usually, though not always in the minority.

It is this fact, more than any other that often deters some men from coming. However, ones that do (see testimonials), always find there is sufficient level of challenge in the classes to suit them and that they make significant improvement in all areas, but especially flexibility and core strength.

How does the Flexercise class differ from the Pilates Plus classes?

Flexercise classes have a much slower warm up than the Pilates Plus. The pace of the class is slower, with a greater emphasis on mindfulness – with mind and body focussed on the body moving and sensing how each movements feels and effects the balance of the body.

For obvious reasons, this is often the class of choice for older people, however it is also very useful for those wishing to improve their technique and expertise by working at a slower pace and paying close attention to derail.

Flexercise (especially the first session) does attract quite a few men.

Is there an upfront payment or block booking system?

The initial one or two sessions are £8 each, pay on the day. If you would like to become a permanent class member, the classes are payable monthly, in advance - still £8 per class, either by BACS/cheque or cash. Non-attended classes are still payable, but you have the option of attending any of my other live classes that week, or any of the four Zoom sessions, either live or recorded. Termly payment is also an option if you prefer.

Any other questions?

I have covered the questions that I am most often asked, but if you are unsure or have any others, please message me on Facebook, or text me.

Discover a stronger, healthier you with Sue Lott Pilates Plus
Explore a unique blend of movement, rhythm, and expert guidance, designed to elevate your strength, flexibility, and mental clarity