Pilates Plus

Welcome to my new look website!

Pilates Plus is a Confluence of influences…

I am all about helping people live a fitter, healthier and more comfortable life…at any age! Exercise is just part of the recipe - my classes, website and business Facebook page –Sue Lott Pilates Plus all expand this concept by incorporating other simple ingredients that help the body and mind feel happier and function more easily.

Check out my short, regular posts on Facebook to keep you maximally motivated!!

My classes, whether live or Zoom, are a blend of Pilates and other techniques devised to strengthen the body, promote flexibility and calm the mind. They incorporate the principles of traditional Pilates, such as effective breathing and good biomechanics, but extend beyond the 36 exercises of traditional Pilates.

Sue Teaching a class

Diversity is great for the body and even better for the brain

The novel elements have been added to ensure the time invested in Bodywork is as productive as possible. They are simple, user-friendly and facilitate quicker progress and each class is unique, so you will NEVER do the same class twice!!

In the live classes and Zoom Sunday Stretch, there is a short rhythmic warm-up to synchronise mind and body followed by exercises with various equipment such as balls, bean bags and sticks, which are used for variety, challenge and skill enhancement. They also add an element of quirky fun!!

Practice improves proficiency

As with traditional Pilates, most of the live class is devoted to mat work - less so on Zoom. The ultimate aim is to LENGTHEN and STRENGTHEN the WHOLE body…including hands and feet.

FLEXIBLE HANDS and FEET transform fitness, health and wellbeing. Why?

  1. They are the periphery of the body, so they have reduced circulation/energy flow when there is tension in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips and knees…which is almost always!!!
  2. They contain reflexes for the ENTIRE body and as feet and hands become more flexible there are holistic benefits.
  3. They contain a high proportion of fascia (see ‘Other Influences’), so they are more vulnerable to stiffness. This propensity is worse because they are rarely moved diversely.
  4. Hands and arms are an extension of the heart and lung fascia, so their flexibility REALLY matters! Hand flexibility also, interestingly, helps mental flexibility - we will feel less’ uptight’.

Progress is STEADY rather than slow. Daily practice on the ‘sticky bits’ is the magical must-have in respect to progress. A natural, energised efficiency gradually emerges.

In the classes, I offer variations for different levels of ability throughout, plus self-help suggestions for the essential home practice. Maintenance is ALWAYS a better option than repair!

Classes end with a brief cool down/relaxation, often involving visualisation/ideokinesiology

IDEOKINESIOLOGY was a phrase first used by an inspirational American dance/movement teacher called MABEL ELSWORTH TODD.

She taught around the 1930s and realised mental pictures directly affect bodily function, so she encouraged her students to develop their IMAGINATION to improve their self-awareness.The nervous system has a vast network of sensory receptors but is under-used in adults. Children constantly use their senses, learning to sit, stand, walk, catch etc, but learning should be a lifelong quest that focuses less on DOING and more on SENSING and FEELING. Practising new skills with fresh images is a great way to improve movement quality.Many well-respected teachers use Mabel’s wonderful teachings as a base for their unique approach to improving movement quality.

If the science fascinates you, this is worth further research.


I run a limited number of community based classes which are suitable for all ages and mixed gender, in Hartley Wintney and Fleet, which have proven to be a popular alternative to more traditional Pilates classes.

Church Crookham Community Centre
Church Crookham
Community Centre
Boyce Road, Church Crookham, GU52 8AQ

Please book in advance.

Class details
Victoria Hall
Victoria Hall
West Green Road,
Hartley Wintney, RG27 8RQ

Please book in advance.

Class details
Discover a stronger, healthier you with Sue Lott Pilates Plus
Explore a unique blend of movement, rhythm, and expert guidance, designed to elevate your strength, flexibility, and mental clarity