“IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KNOWLEDGE” Albert EinsteinDiverse study lends itself to a deeper understanding, so be open to reading widely and enjoy your journey of discovery!
BOOK TITLESBODY WISDOM by Amiyo Ruhuke and Anando WurzburgerThis is a beautiful book with some wonderfully simple self-help ideas and a delightful text.A lovely book to keep and just open up at random pages for wise advice to lighten and inspire your day.
THE THINKING BODY by Mabel Ellsworth ToddMabel was a visionary teacher - I wish I had met her! She coined the phrase ideokinesiology.Her book is NOT an easy read (written in the 1930s) but if you have a mind that likes detail, you will be glad you did. It is packed full of her precise, applied anatomical wisdom…it is brilliant!
PELVIC POWER by Eric FranklinThese volumes are relevant, easy to understand and have fantastic illustrations. Eric, like many choreographers, has great respect for the teachings of Mabel E Todd and her concept of ideokinesiology.
THE CALM TECHNIQUE and THE LITTLE BOOK OF CALM by Paul WilsonPaul Wilson’s books are full of simple, convincing wisdom. The 'little' book is perfect to open randomly each day to contemplate the thoughts and prompts on that page.
THE TOUCH OF HEALING by Alice Burmeister and Tom MonteThis is the self-help Jin Shin Jyutsu book. It is full of information about the effects of energy - I think every home should have a copy: JSJ is easy to apply, but wonderfully effective.
THE CORE WORKOUT by Joanna Elphinson and Paul PookThe cover says this book is a 'definitive guide to Swiss ball training for athletes, coaches and fitness professionals', but it is very interesting for everyone else, too!
THE PILATES BODY by Brooke SilerA lovely book about traditional Pilates exercises but with very detailed instruction and some lovely images to improve execution.
THE HANDBOOK OF SELF HEALING by Meir SchneiderA great read by this truly amazing man who I have met. What an inspiring man!
HOW YOUR BODY CAN HEAL YOUR MIND by David Hamilton also...IT IS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS by David HamiltonBoth great books - and no David is not the DJ from the 1980/90s!!!Easy reads that provide a thought-provoking insight into the power of the mind. David was a doctor of chemistry who, in his early work in pharmaceutical research, became fascinated by the 'placebo' effect.Contains many testaments which are impossible to dismiss as coincidence.
THE BREATHING BOOK by Donna FahriIf you only read one book about breathing, let it be this wonderful one. Donna's passion for her subject is infectious!
THE WHARTON’S BACK BOOK by Jim and Phil WhartonAn interesting volume by a father and son team of musculoskeletal therapists and world-class trainers. Phil was an up-and-coming track athlete in high school when he developed scoliosis (spinal curvature) His advice was to have rods put on either side of his spine and stop running for good.The book is about his quest to 'find another way'.He did so and was still running at a world-class marathon level 20 years later. He also went on to train and rehabilitate athletes from all over the world alongside his father. Real food for thought!
AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT by Moshe FeldenkraisThe 'Feldenkrais' technique is world-renowned. Moshe was a trailblazer. His teachings are inspired.
STRUCTURAL FITNESS by John StirkJohn was a yoga teacher at a club I worked at in London.
HAND REFLEXOLOGY by Kristine Walker A textbook for students.
FOOT REFLEXOLOGY by Eunice Ingham.
BODY REFLEXOLOGY by Mildred Carter.
EAR ACUPRESSURE by Pedro Chan Your feet, hands and body are full of secret little helpers!
INNER HEALTH by Nevill DruryThe health benefits of relaxation, meditation and visualisation. A lovely book which I read many years ago.
AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND by Deepak ChopraDeepak is an internationally respected author. His books help nurture a better understanding of how the mind affects the body. Really interesting.
BREATHE BETTER - FEEL BETTER by Howard KentHoward helps us understand and appreciate the link between emotions and the breath, body etc Another favourite!
Good luck in discovering many other inspiring books!