BUT life gets busy and people say there is ‘no time’ for relaxation practice, but this magically unravels the day’s tensions. Energy levels are recharged and sleep quality improves.
What IS relaxation?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘to relax’, as ‘to slacken; to loosen; to allow to become less tense or rigid; to abate; to relieve from strain or effort’ Relaxation is defined as ‘the diminution of effort’. So clearly, the Art of Relaxation would be a great asset in daily life!
When a body gets tense and painful the solution is to unwind the tension by conscious relaxation, but, bodies get used to the presence of tension by becoming desensitised. The body adapts to ANY unrelenting condition, even if it is detrimental!!
Learning to relax and ‘slacken’ off existing tensions is a process that requires a patient commitment to persistent practice (the 3 Ps again) but REAPS MORE LIFE-CHANGING BENEFITS THAN ANY OTHER PRACTICE!!When a body is relaxed, effective movement flows effortlessly.
From a sporting point of view, there are gains in unexpected areas when athletes learn to relax as the reduction in resistance translates to greater power, speed, strength and quicker reaction time. As the body relaxes, so does the mind and this often leads to improvements in coordination, a calmer mindset and a pro-rata reduction in injuries.
Early relaxation practices are typically fraught with frustration as attempts to lay/sit down and ‘do nothing’ are thwarted by the incessant activity of ‘monkey mind’. However, as breathing slows and deepens, ‘busy-ness’ subsides and the body gently relaxes into the flow of its natural rhythms. This opens the body to the possibility of change.As with every practice, it is the getting on and doing it, rather than achieving a set purpose that initiates the elusive change. Don’t be deterred by ‘failures’ as they are the path to SUCCESS.
Tension can only remain in a body that is not consciously aware of it: when we become CONSCIOUSLY aware of the tension, it starts to dissipate. Daily relaxation practice reduces tension levels and the benefits start to filter into daily life. The day seems longer; we feel calmer and less agitated by the reactions of other tense people (tension is contagious); we have more energy and even sleep more deeply. What’s not to love?